Currently I self study CLRS book (Outside of any course, so I got no access to an instructor)
And I am stuck proving Insertion Sort, The proof in CLRS book is not so formal.
Here's the algorithm:
for j=2 to A.length (= n)
key = A[j]
i = j-1
while (0<i and key<A[i])
i = i-1
end while
end for
end procedure
I tried to formalize the proof with the following pre-post conditions:
Pre-Condition: $A=A_{org}$ and $j=2$ (I.e. $A_{org}$ holds the original values of $A$)
Post-Condition: The array $A$ consists of the same elements as in $A_{org}$ but in a sorted order that is $\forall i_1,i_2\in\{1..n\}, i_1<i_2\to A[i_1]\leq A[i_2]$.
My loop invariant is:
($p$ denotes the $p$'s iteration)
$I(p)="\text{The array $A[1..j-1]$ consists of the same elements as in $A_{org}[1..j-1]$} \land \forall i_1,i_2\in\{1..j-1\}, i_1<i_2\to A[i_1]\leq A[i_2] \land j=2+p"$
Now when I try to prove the inductive step I got stuck and cannot proceed because of the nested $while$ loop and because of the informal sentence "The array $A[1..j-1]$ consists of the same elements as in $A_{org}[1..j-1]$".
Any help on how to prove Insertion Sort rigorously and how to formalize the sentence "The array $A[1..j-1]$ consists of the same elements as in $A_{org}[1..j-1]$" will be appreciated (I want my loop invariant to contain only mathematical symbols and not informal english phrases).
(BTW: I am trying to write the proof in the same style as in Susanna. Epp's Discrete Mathematics book)
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.