In Section 3.1.2 "Transaction Histories" of the PhD thesis by Atul Adya [1]:
A history $H$ over a set of transactions consists of two parts: (1) a partial order of events $E$ that reflects the operations (e.g., read, write, abort, commit) of those transactions, and (2) a version order, $\ll$, that is a total order on committed object versions.
The author gives a comment on "the partial order of events" (Page 36):
"For convenience, we will present history events in our examples as a total order that is consistent with the partial order. Furthermore, wherever possible in our examples, we make this total order be consistent with the real-time ordering of events in a database system."
Question 1: Why can we present the partial order of events as a total order of them? Because a partial order may imply multiple total orders consistent with it, which one to choose? Does the choice matter for later definitions and theorems?
Some comments on "the total version order" (Page 36) are as follows:
[Added (01-10-2015)] "The version order in a history $H$ can be different from the order of write or commit events in $H$. This flexibility is needed to allow certain optimistic and multi-version implementations where it is possible that a version $x_i$ is placed before version $x_j$ in the version order even though $x_i$ is installed in the committed state after $x_j$ is installed."
"The system chooses the version order for each object."
Question 2: What does it mean for the database system to choose the version order? And how? Is this implementation-dependent?