Historically, floating point binary formats have varied from machine to machine. For example, some put the exponent on the left and the mantissa on the right, and some use sign and magnitude instead of twos complement. It wasn’t until 1985 that the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers agreed on the standard format used in most of today’s computers, the IEEE 754 standard. This website goes into some detail...
The format you’re expected to know about if you sit an A level computer science exam in the United Kingdom illustrates the fundamental principles of floating point binary. You will be told how big the register is, how many bits have been allocated to the mantissa, and how many bits have been allocated to the exponent; both are usually in two’s complement. For example, you might be given an 16 bit register, with a 10 bit mantissa and a 6 bit exponent, both in two’s complement. Chances are, there is no such processor, but who’s to say that one day somebody might not design one like that, for a very specific purpose.
The objectives of normalisation are to maximise the precision of floating point numbers, and to achieve an unambiguous representation. This in turn simplifies processing when performing arithmetic with floating point numbers.
To achieve the most accurate representation of a positive number, for a given size mantissa, there should be no leading 0s to the left of the most significant bit.
0.000001001 000000
When normalised becomes
0.100100000 111011
All normalised positive numbers therefore start with 01
To achieve the most accurate representation of a negative number, for a given size mantissa, there should be no leading 1s to the left of the most significant bit.
1111100100 000011
When normalised becomes
1001000000 111111
All normalised negative numbers therefore start with 10
You should try converting both normalised and un-normalised forms of the same number back into base 10. You will get the same result.
Take a look at this