Given $T_1, T_2\colon \Sigma^* \to \Gamma^*$ ($\Gamma$ is output alphabet), let $\Delta(T_1, T_2)$ consist of all input strings $w \in Σ^*$ where $T_1(w) \neq T_2(w)$. Prove that FSTs are not closed under this operation $\Delta(T_1,T_2)$.
What I have tried is to create two FSTs $T_1, T_2$ (as 5 tuple functions of form $(Q, \Sigma, \Gamma, \delta, s, γ)$ where $\Sigma$ - input symbols, $\Gamma$ - output symbols, $δ\colon Q \times \Sigma → Q$ transition function, to prove that the language $S = \{ w \mid T_1(w) \neq T_2(w) \}$ is not regular. I am having trouble creating the two FSTs. Especially defining the transition functions for the two FSTs. Any help with this is appreciated.Pretty much what I am trying to prove is there are two FST's $T_1$ and $T_2$ such that the language $L = \{w \mid T_1(w) \ne T_2(w)\}$ is not regular. To prove this, what I want to do is create the two FST's $T_1$ and $T_2$. I am not sure on how to define a 6-tuple FST. Especially coming up with the transition functions for the two FSTs