There's a famous theorem that every infinite Turing-recognizable language has an infinite decidable subset. The standard proof of this result works by constructing an enumerator for the Turing-recognizable language, then including the first enumerated string in the decidable language, then the first string that comes after it lexicographically, then the first string that comes after that lexicographically, etc. Since this set is enumerated by a Turing machine in lexicographically increasing order, it's decidable.
This construction works, but it doesn't seem to give a very "natural" example of an infinite decidable subset. In particular, the only way I can think of to describe the subset is to point at a specific enumerator for the language, define a recurrence relation from it, and then define the language from that recurrence relation.
Is there an alternative construction that produces an infinite decidable set from an infinite Turing-recognizable language that is less dependent on the particulars of how a specific enumerator runs?