
How would I go about proving the following two regular expressions are equal to one another:

( a + b )* a ( a + b )* b( a + b )* = (a + b)* ab(a + b)*

I can "see" why they are equal to one another because the second ( a + b )* is a redundant term as the expression will always have an ab together. But how can I formalize this and show, in general, that this is true ?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Note: This question has been cross-posted to Math.SE, where it has received 2 answers. That can be found here. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 9, 2016 at 0:03

1 Answer 1


Convert both regular expressions to a DFA, compute the symmetric difference of the two DFA's using a product construction, and then check whether the result accept the non-empty language. Each of those steps is described here on this site. See also Does this regular expression equal this automata? for a very similar question.


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