This is somewhat obscure, but calculus turns up in algebraic data types. For any given type, the type of its one-hole contexts is the derivative of that type. See this excellent talk for an overview of the whole subject. This is very technical terminology, so let's explain.
Algebraic Data Types
You may have come across tuples being referred to as product types (if not, it's because they are the cartesian product of two types). We're going to take this literally and use the notation:
$$a * b$$
To represent a tuple, where $a$ and $b$ are both types.
Next, you may have come across sum types these are types which can be either one type, or another (known as unions, variants, or as the Either type (kinda) in Haskell). We're also going to take this one literally and use the notation:
$$a + b$$
These are named as they are because if a type $a$ has $N_a$ values and a type $b$ has $N_b$ values, then the type $a + b$ has $N_a + N_b$ values.
These types look like normal algebraic expressions and we can, in fact, manipulate them as such (to a point).
An Example
In functional languages a common definition of a list (given in Haskell here) is this:
data List a = Empty
| Cons a List
This says that a list is either empty or a tuple of a value and another list. Transforming that to algebraic notation, we get:
$$L(a) = 1 + a * L(a)$$
Where $1$ represents a type with one value (aka the unit type).
By repeatedly inserting, we can evaluate this to get a definition for $L(a)$:
$$L(a) = 1 + a * L(a)$$
$$L(a) = 1 + a * (1 + a * L(a))$$
$$L(a) = 1 + a + a^2 * (1 + a * L(a))$$
$$L(a) = 1 + a + a^2 + a^3 * (1 + a * L(a))$$
$$L(a) = 1 + a + a^2 + a^3 + a^4 + a^5...$$
(Where $x^n$ is meant in the sense of repeated multiplication.)
This definition says then that a list is either unit, or a tuple of one item, or a tuple of two items, or of three etc, which is the definition of a list!
One-hole Contexts
Now on to one-hole contexts: a one-hole context is what you get when you 'take a value out' of a product type. Let's give an example:
For a simple 2-tuple which is homogeneous, $a^2$, if we take a value out, we just get a 1-tuple, $a$. But there are two different one-hole contexts of this type: namely the first and second values of the tuple. So since it is either of these we could write that it is $a + a$, which is, of course, $2a$. This is where the differentiation comes in to play. Let's confirm this with another example:
Taking a value out of a 3-tuple gives a 2-tuple, but there three different variants:
$$(a, a, \_)$$
$$(a, \_, a)$$
$$(\_, a, a)$$
Depending on where we put the hole. This gives us $3a^2$ which is indeed the derivative of $a^3$. There is a proof of this in general here.
For our final example, let's use a list:
If we take our original expression for a list:
$$L(a) = 1 + a * L(a)$$
We can rearrange to get:
$$L(a) = \frac{1}{1 - a}$$
(On the surface this may seem like nonsense, but if you take the taylor series of this result you get the definition we derived earlier.)
Now if we differentiate this, we get an interesting result:
$$\frac{\partial L(a)}{\partial a} = (L(a))^2$$
Thus one list has become a pair of lists. This in fact makes sense: the two lists produced correspond to the elements above and below the hole in the original list!