Given a graph $H$. A set of permutations $\alpha$ which contains permutations of vertices of $H$.
The permutation set $\alpha$ has automorphisms of subgraph $H_1, H_2,..... H_x$ where $x$ is the number of total subgraphs. These subgraphs are connected. These permutations can be extended to the automorphism of $H$. By extending, we mean that automorphism of subgraphs can be extended to the automorphism of graph $H$. This concept is similar to E. Luks' paper of graph siomorphism of bounded valence.
Each subgraph has constant number of vertices. The adjacency matrix of $H$ is -
$$H = \begin{bmatrix} H_{(x)} & R_{(x, x-1)} & R_{(x,x-2)} & \dots & \dots & R_{(x,1)} \\ R_{(x,x-1)^{T}} & H_{(x-1)} & R_{(x-1,x-2)} & \dots & \dots & R_{(x-1,1)} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots \\ R_{(x,1)^{T}} & R_{(x-1,1)^{T}} & R_{(x-2,1)^{T}} & \dots & \dots &H_{1} \end{bmatrix}$$
The adjacency matrix of graph $H_k \cup H_e$ is $M_{(k,e)}$ where $M_{(k,e)} =\left( \begin{array}{ccc} H_e & R_{k,e} \\ R_{k,e}^{T} & H_k\\ \end{array} \right) $, where, $R_{k,e}$ is the non symmetric sub-matrix of adjacency matrix $H$. Here, $R_{k,e}$ represents edges between $H_k, H_e$.
Problem: How to find an automorphism of $H$ in polynomial time (in $\alpha$)?
- $\alpha$ is the generating set of autmorphsim group of $H$.