I am aware that the question is asked before but i there is still a confusing part for me.
In book the solution is like that:
$T(n) = 2T(\sqrt{n}) + \log(n)$
$m = \log n$ yields
$T(2^m) = 2T(2^{m/2}) + m$
Then $S(m) = T(2^m)$ produces the recurrence:
$S(m) = 2S(m/2) + m$
So $T(n) = T(2^m) = S(m) = O(m\log m) = O(\log n (\log {\log n}))$
But i can't understand in part $5$, how $2T(2^{m/2})$ is converted to $2S(2m/2)$ ? If $S(m)$ is $T(2^m)$, then $S(m/2)$ must be $T(2^{m-1})$? Can you verify me that why the book's solution is correct, and i am wrong?