I ran into this exercise problem from Introduction To The Theory Of Computation by Sipser. Given a context free grammar:
$ S \rightarrow SS \ | \ T \\ T \rightarrow aTb \ | \ ab $
I have to show that the grammar is ambiguous. So I have to find at least two leftmost derivation of a string. I have tried a lot but have failed to come up with a counter-example. I think T describes the following grammar:
$ L = {\{a^nb^n} \ | \ n > 0 \} $
But if I take $SS$, it is equivalent to taking $TT$, then it generates the strings like $ a^n b^n a^nb^n $, which is entirely different from L. So how can I come up with a string that has two leftmost derivation in this grammar. Any sort of help would be appreciated!
Below is the picture from the exercise.