The requirement for the conservation of flow in a flow network is, as I see it in the MIT lectures on Algorithms, that $\sum_{v\in V}f(u,v)=0$ for every $u\not\in \{s,t\}$ where $s,t$ are the source and sink respectively. I think I get the intuitive idea expressed here, that there should be no accumulation or net loss in any vertex. However, it seems to me this expression actually says "The follow out of u is always 0". Am I confused or is the correct expression, $\forall u\not\in \{s,t\}$
$$\sum_{v\in V}f(u,v)=\sum_{w\in V}f(w,u) $$
Or is it there something about the requirement that $f(u,v)=-f(v,u)$ that takes care of this automatically? And maybe somehow in the summation we don't pay too much attention to the placement of the $u$ in the formula?