In a bipartite graph $(X+Y,E)$, it is possible to find a minimum vertex cover in polynomial time, by Konig's theorem.
Suppose the minimum size is $s$. Is there an efficient algorithm for finding a vertex cover $S$ of size $s$, such that $S\cap X$ has a minimum cardinality?
What I could do so far is to formulate this problem as an ILP where each vertex $u\in X$ has a variable $x_u$ and each vertex $v\in Y$ has a variable $y_v$. Its LP relaxation is:
\begin{align} \text{minimize} && \sum_{u\in X} x_u && \\ \text{subject to} && x_u + y_v \geq 1 && \forall (u,v)\in E \\ && \sum_{u\in X} x_u + \sum_{v\in Y}y_v = s \\ && 1\geq x_{u}\geq 0, 1\geq y_v \geq 0 && \forall u\in X, v\in Y \end{align}
But I do not know how to check whether this ILP has an integer solution.
Is there a better approach to this problem?