
I am facing the most curious situation with [my current information of] transitive closure algorithms. Specifically, is what follows not an algorithm for finding the transitive closure of a graph G(V, E) and is the time complexity not O(|V|+|E|):

Use Kosaraju's to compute SCCs (strongly connected components) -- O(|V| + |E|)

Create a DAG from the SCCs as (super)nodes -- O(|V| + |E|)

In a single supernode, reachability of all nodes is the same and equal to the union of the nodes in the containing supernode plus the reachable supernodes in the DAG -- O(|V| + |E|) to compute reachability in the DAG and O(|V| * |V|) total to compute reachability sets for all nodes

These reachability sets do constitute the transitive closure of the graph wholly, right?
But there aren't any O(|V| + |E|) transitive closure algorithms around.
What am I missing?


1 Answer 1


Your algorithm is known as Purdom's algorithm. There are two versions of transitive closure:

  • Calculate the transitive closure as a relation. This cannot run in time $O(|V|+|E|)$, since the output could be bigger than that (consider a directed path, for example).
  • Calculate enough information to be able to answer oracle queries to the transitive closure in $O(1)$. Even in this case, the algorithm doesn't seem to run in time $O(|V|+|E|)$. Hopefully the link would make it clear why.
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks a lot. This pretty much answers it. Just a couple of things: 1. What exactly is, the transitive closure as a relation? -- shortest paths between all nodes? And, are those oracle queries, limited to, is u reachable from v, or do they include other queries? $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 15:58
  • $\begingroup$ By “transitive closure” as a relation, I mean all pairs of points $(x,y)$ such that $y$ is reachable from $x$. Regarding oracle queries, you’re probably correct, but I suggest reading the link. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 16:01
  • $\begingroup$ So the above algorithm runs in O(|E|+|V|^2) according to the link. And given this, the reachability set for each node can be computed in O(|V|), which would give us O(|V|^2) for computing reachability sets for all nodes, i.e the transitive closure. This gives us a O(|E|+|V|^2) transitive closure computation. $\endgroup$ Commented Jun 5, 2019 at 16:16

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