In the field of Cryptography and Computation Complexity there is a notion of negligible function.
I have some difficulties in understanding intuition behind this notion. The following are some definitions from Chapter 9. Cryptography from the textbook Computation Complexity. A modern approach by Arora and Barak with extensive use of negligible function. There my question after every definition about negligible function.
Before proceeding further, we make a simple definition that will greatly simplify notation throughout this chapter.
Definition of negligible function. a function $\epsilon : \mathbb{N} \rightarrow [0,1]$ is called negligible if $\epsilon(n)=n^{-\omega(1)}$.
Because negligible functions tend to zero very fast as their input grows, events that happen with negligible probability can be safely ignored in most practical and theoretical settings.
So far so good, it's just the definition of negligible function, the only point is why do we need to care about this function if it "can be safely ignored".
The notion of computational secure function.$k \in_R \{0,1\}^n, x \in_R \{0,1\}^m, Pr [A(E_k(x))=(i,b) s.t. x_i=b] \leq \frac{1}{2}+\epsilon(n)$.
Less intuitive usage of negligible function. As I understood, in general, $A$ can with probability 0.5 guess uniformly distributed $x_i$, therefore it makes sence to expected lower bound of success to be $\leq \frac{1}{2}$, however it's $\leq \frac{1}{2} + \epsilon(n)$, it we can "safely ignore" $\epsilon(n)$ why to mention it, and the second point is it possible to run $A$ some fixed finite number of times to get probability infinitely close to 1?
Definition of one-way function. $x\in_R\{0,1\}^n, y=f(x), Pr[A(y)=x' s.t. f(x')=y] < \epsilon(n)$
In this case, the usage of negligible function is very intuitive, the success probability is upper bounded by negligible function $\epsilon(n)$. I am not sure how it's correlated with existence of computationally secure encryption scheme (of course =0 is preferable by encryption scheme), however if $\epsilon(n)$ can be safely ignored than it's ok.
The problem is I am not quite understand why do we need negligible function. By mentioning few definition I tried to be more specific about what exactly I don't understand.
I would appreciate if anyone can shed the light on the usage of negligible function