Subset Sum is a well-known dynamic programming problem, which states that given a succession of numbers and a number, the algorithm determines if exists a subset that its sum is equal to the given number. I was asked to use this algorithm (however it is implemented) at most $O(n)$ times to build a subset which satisfies the sum. My solution is given below:
findSubset(A[1,...,n], sum){
for i = 1 to n do
if(blackBox(A - A[i], sum))
return findSubset(A - A[i],sum);
return A;
return [];
The problem with this solution is that it uses the subSetSum algorithm $O(n^2)$ times. As a hint to optimize the problem to $O(n)$ is that I should not use the loop and appeal only to recursion. Can anyone give a hint for an optimal solution to this problem?