
I am not quite sure howto define SET-PARTITION as a language as in Sipser. Is it

$$ \left\{ \langle S,A,B\rangle \;\middle|\; (A,B) \text{ is partition of } S \text{ and } \sum_{n\in A} n = \sum_{n\in B} n \right\} \quad \text{ or } \\ \left\{ \langle S\rangle \;\middle|\; \text{ there exists a partition } (A,B) \text{ of } S \text{ with } \sum_{n\in A} n = \sum_{n\in B} n\right\} \quad ? $$

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Hint: SET-PARTITION is hard for NP, i.e. most likely there is no polynomial algorithm. But one of your two formulations has a very easy polynomial algorithm. As a side note: This implies that SET-PARTITION is in NP. $\endgroup$
    – ttnick
    Commented May 25, 2020 at 12:14

1 Answer 1


The set partition problem asks whether there exists a 2-partition of a multi-set such that sum of numbers in one set is equal to the sum of numbers in the other set.

Note the phrase whether there exists; if you are already being given the partition in the input $\langle S,A,B \rangle$ then the problem becomes whether the given partition is valid and sum of elements of $A$ and $B$ are equal. This problem is easy and can be solved in polynomial it time.

However, Set Partition is NP-Complete, which seems unlikely to be solved in polynomial time.


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