Most probably, this question is asked before. It's from CLRS (2nd Ed) problem 6.5-8 --
Give an $O(n \lg k)$ time algorithm to merge $k$ sorted lists into one sorted list, where $n$ is the total number of elements in all the input lists. (Hint: Use a min-heap for $k$-way merging.)
As there are $k$ sorted lists and total of $n$ values, let us assume each list contains $\frac{n}{k}$ numbers, moreover each of the lists are sorted in strictly ascending order, and the results will also be stored in the ascending order.
My pseudo-code looks like this --
list[k] ; k sorted lists
heap[k] ; an auxiliary array to hold the min-heap
result[n] ; array to store the sorted list
for i := 1 to k ; O(k)
heap[i] := GET-MIN(list[i]) ; pick the first element
; and keeps track of the current index - O(1)
BUILD-MIN-HEAP(heap) ; build the min-heap - O(k)
for i := 1 to n
array[i] := EXTRACT-MIN(heap) ; store the min - O(logk)
nextMin := GET-MIN(list[1]) ; get the next element from the list 1 - O(1)
; find the minimum value from the top of k lists - O(k)
for j := 2 to k
if GET-MIN(list[j]) < nextMin
nextMin := GET-MIN(list[j])
; insert the next minimum into the heap - O(logk)
MIN-HEAP-INSERT(heap, nextMin)
My overall complexity becomes $O(k) + O(k) + O(n(k + 2 \lg k)) \approx O(nk+n \lg k) \approx O(nk)$. I could not find any way to avoid the $O(k)$ loop inside the $O(n)$ loop to find the next minimum element from k lists. Is there any other way around? How to get an $O(n \lg k)$ algorithm?