Given a random graph $G(n, p)$, where $n$ is the number of nodes and $p$ is the probability of connecting any two edges, it is known that $t = \frac{\ln(n)}{n}$ is a threshold for the connectedness of the graph: if $p$ is greater than $t$ the graph will be almost surely connected, otherwise disconnected. The farther you move $p$ from the threshold the higher the chance that the resulting graph will be disconnected/connected (source:
I am currently trying to output from an Erdős–Rényi process a graph that is as sparse as possible. In my case $n=10000$ and therefore $t=0.00092$, which means that a connected random graph of 10000 nodes should have on average 46000 edges. Through testing with igraph I could go as low as 37000 edges: $t=0.00074$. Now I'm stuck (because the probability of outputting a sparser graph is too low) and I don't know how to further lower the degree of the graphs. Is there a way to generate sparser random graphs? I know I'm already far below the threshold. In case no solution is found for this model what is the best way to generate a very sparse connected graph?