Let $T(V, E)$ be a rooted tree with root $r$.
If $T$ has no other vertices, then the root by itself constitutes the preorder traversal of $T$.
If $\lvert V \rvert > 1$, let $T_1, T_2, \dots, T_k$ denote the subtrees of $T$ from left to right. The preorder traversal of $T$ first visits $r$ and then traverses the vertices of $T_1$ in preorder, then the vertices of $T_2$ in preorder, and so on until the vertices of $T_k$ are traversed in preorder.
How does one prove, using the above definition, that a preorder traversal of a rooted tree $T(V, E)$ can be computed in $O(\lvert V \rvert)$ time? Since $T$ is a tree, $\lvert E \rvert = \lvert V \rvert - 1$, and so showing that a preorder traversal algorithm simply visits the vertices and edges of $T$ a constant number of times and does constant work on each visit would do it. Obviously this is true, but how does one prove this formally?
does constant work on each visit
.) It's too obvious suggest by contradiction, each by induction. $\endgroup$