Consider a rooted tree $T$. A matching in $T$ is said to be proper if for every unmatched vertex $v$ it holds that the parent of $v$ is matched to one of the siblings of $v$. It is known that every tree admits a maximum-size matching that is proper.
Consider a rooted tree $T$ over a set of vertices $V$ and a proper matching $M$ in $T$; we can think of $M$ as a collection of edges. Let $L(T)$ be the set of leaves of $T$, and let $U(M)$ be the set of vertices not matched by $M$ (i.e., $U(M) = \{v ∈ V | v \notin e \space \forall e ∈ M\}$). Prove that $|L(T)| ≥ |U(M)|$.
My attempt:
The set of internal nodes in $T$ form a valid vertex cover. The size of any vertex cover >= the size of any matching.
$=> |V| - |internal \space nodes| <= |V| - |M|$
$=> |L(T)| <= |V| - |M|$
I can prove that $|M| <=$ number of nodes being matched in the matching, and I guess I've to relate that to being less than $L(T)$ but I haven't figured out a way to do this.