
Suppose there are two strings, $S$ and $T$, and we want to find the length $l$ of the shortest substring of $S$ which contains all the characters in $T$, in order. (Assume the length of $T$ is bounded, so it doesn't need to be considered for determining time complexity.)

Here are some examples:

  • $S$ = "abcabc", $T$ = "abc", $l = 3$, "[abc]abc".
  • $S$ = "abcabc", $T$ = "acb", $l = 5$, "[abcab]c".
  • $S$ = "ben thinks bananas are the best", $T$ = "bans", $l=7$, "ben thinks [bananas] are the best"

I found a solution to this using recursion which I believe is $O(n^2)$.

def ordered_moving_window(S, T, include_prefix=False):
    # Recursion base case
    if len(T) == 0:
        return 0

    shortest_length = float("inf")

    for i in range(len(S)):
        if S[i] == T[0]:
            # Recursively find all the other chars in the string
            length = ordered_moving_window(S[i+1:], T[1:], include_prefix=True) + 1

            # If this is being called recursively, then we need to include
            # all the characters before the first character we found
            # in our length calculation
            if include_prefix:
                length += i
            shortest_length = min(length, shortest_length)

    return shortest_length

print(ordered_moving_window("abcabc", "abc")) # 3
print(ordered_moving_window("abcabc", "acb")) # 5
print(ordered_moving_window("ben thinks bananas are the best", "bans")) # 7

I believe the worst case for this particular solution is something like $S$ = "aaaaaaaab", $T$ = "ab", where the solution would need to traverse down the list (which is $O(n)$) for each "a" in $S$ (of which there are $n$), leading to a total time complexity of $O(n^2)$.

A few years ago, my professor assigned me a version of this problem, and I submitted this $O(n^2)$ solution. In my solution writeup, I also mentioned that I didn't believe an $O(n)$ solution was possible. My justification was similar to:

Consider a hypothetical $O(n)$ algorithm where $T$ = "abc". For $S$ = "ababc", the algorithm would need to ignore the first "ab", identify the solution "ab[abc]", and return $l = 3$. However, for $S$ = "abac", the algorithm would need to consider the first "ab" to identify the solution "[abac]" and return $l = 4$. Since the algorithm cannot look ahead to figure out whether it should consider or ignore a certain character, it cannot make this decision, and therefore such an algorithm cannot exist.

However, my professor disagreed with me, stating that an $O(n)$ solution to this problem is possible.

Since then, I've learned of the non-ordered minimum window substring problem, which is similar to the problem I listed earlier, but without the requirement that the characters be in order:

  • $S$ = "abcabc", $T$ = "acb", $l=3$, "[abc]abc"
  • $S$ = "ben thinks bananas are the best", $T$ = "bans", $l = 5$, "ben think[s ban]anas are the best"

This can be solved in $O(n)$ time complexity by keeping pointers to the start and end of the window, using a map to keep track of the characters in the window, advancing the end pointer when the sequence is not valid, and advancing the start pointer when the sequence is valid:

def moving_window_substring(S, T):
    # Build a table of the count of each character in T
    # (i.e., the chars we need our window to have)
    needed_chars = {}
    for char in T:
        if char in needed_chars:
            needed_chars[char] += 1
            needed_chars[char] = 1

    # Set up the window
    start = 0
    end = 0
    shortest_length = float("inf")
    needed_chars_count = len(T)

    # Grow the window until we have all the chars we need
    while end < len(S):
        end_char = S[end]

        if end_char in needed_chars:
            # If we needed this character, decrement the number of chars we need
            needed_chars[end_char] -= 1
            if needed_chars[end_char] >= 0:
                needed_chars_count -= 1

        if needed_chars_count == 0:
            # The window is valid, we have all the chars we need
            # Start shortening the window until it is no longer valid
            while True:
                start_char = S[start]

                if start_char in needed_chars:
                    if needed_chars[start_char] < 0:
                        needed_chars[start_char] += 1
                        # We need this character, break out of the loop

                start += 1

            shortest_length = min(shortest_length, end - start + 1)

        end += 1

    return shortest_length            

print(moving_window_substring("abcabc", "abc")) # 3
print(moving_window_substring("abcabc", "acb")) # 3
print(moving_window_substring("ben thinks bananas are the best", "bans")) # 5
print(moving_window_substring("ben thinks bananas are the bans", "bans")) # 4

Is there a similar $O(n)$-time-complexity solution to the ordered version of the problem?

  • $\begingroup$ I just realised you restrict T to constant length, so any algorithm that takes $O(|S||T|)$ time would work. The standard Needleman-Wunsch global alignment algorithm, which has this time complexity, could be easily modified to work. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 7, 2021 at 13:00

1 Answer 1


Yes, if the length of T can be considered as a constant.

Here is an efficient algorithm.

def shortest_super_subsequence(S, T):
    if len(T) == 0: return 0
    shortest_length = float("inf")

    indices = [-1] * len(T)
    while True:
        for i in range(0, len(T)):
            if i == 0:
                indices[0] = S.find(T[0], indices[0] + 1)
                indices[i] = S.find(T[i], max(indices[i - 1] + 1, indices[i]))
            if indices[i] == -1:
                return shortest_length
        shortest_length = min(shortest_length,
                              indices[-1] - indices[0] + 1)

The algorithm above uses indices[i] to track the position of T[i] found in each search of a subsequence that contains T. Each time we will move to right by one position to search for T[0]. For other character T[i], we will start search at the later position of its current position and one position later than the current position of T[i-1].

Let len(S) be $n$. The algorithm above runs in time $O(n)$ if the length of T is considered as a constant. If len(T) is denoted by variable $m$, it runs in time $O(nm)$, since all updates on indices[j] need $O(n)$ time for each j. The worst case happens in situations like S="abdabdabdabdabdabdabdc" and T="abababc".

The algorithm can be speed-up by breaking the inner loop if indices[j] stays the same. Although significant, this improvement does not change the asymptotic time-complexity.

The algorithm can be thought as sliding a window (of varying size) from index indices[0] to indices[-1].

  • $\begingroup$ "if the length of T can be considered as a constant." should have been "if the length of T is bounded by a constant." $\endgroup$
    – John L.
    Commented Mar 7, 2021 at 12:37
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Ah, using max(indices[i - 1] + 1, indices[i]) instead of just indices[i - 1] + 1 is what enables the total work done updating each indices[j] to be $O(n)$ time -- the leftmost valid position of T[j] will never slide left as we move the starting position to the right, so we can safely start searching for it from where we left off last time. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 7, 2021 at 13:16

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