I apologise if my following reasoning is flawed, but I cannot find the "bug" in it.
Consider two finite subsets of $\mathbb{N}$, namely $A$ and $B$. The set of all functions $f:A\rightarrow B$ is clearly finite.
Are the functions in this set computable? I can imagine constructing a huge list of all possible functions $f:A\rightarrow B$. For all of these functions $f$ in this list, you can construct a table describing the inputs and outputs of $f$ (that is, all possible ways to pair the elements of $A$ to the elements of $B$). From this "view", all such functions $f$ seem to be computable, as you have an algorithm (the table) that explains how to compute each $f$.
However, consider a turing machine $M$ with encoding $m$ (with $m\in\mathbb{N}$). Per the Halting Theorem, surely an $M$ such that $h(m)$ is undecidable exists (where $h(\cdot)$ decides termination). Thus, consider the function $f^\star:A\rightarrow B$ such that, for every $a\in A$, $f(a)=h(m)$. This function is undecidable, right?
In my mind, it is as if all $f:A\rightarrow B$ are computable, but when what happens is that you cannot decide "which" of these $f^\star$ is, hence you cannot "in fact" compute it.
Question: Are all functions with finite domain and codomain computable? If yes, why does my second argument fail?