I'm reading the book Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures. It makes the claim that the optimal branching factor $D$ for a heap satisfies $2 \le D \le 5$, and that it is most likely $3$ or $4$ depending on the data being stored.
There is no citation in that book, so I tried to find one. On Wikipedia's D-ary Heap page I find two references cited for this claim. The 2nd one citation is the book Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ which contains no citations but makes the same assertions as Advanced Algorithms.
The first wikipedia citation is a 1983 book Data Structures and Network Algorithms by Robert Tarjan that simply states:
An analysis of the constant factor involved in the timing of the heap operations suggests that the choice $D = 3 \text{ or } 4$ dominates the choice $D = 2$ in all circumstances, although this requires experimental confirmation.
Is there a paper with this analysis or did anybody verify this claim experimentally?