How can I efficiently find all lattice points in the cubic lattice $Z^3$ (that is to say, all integer points in a 3-space) that lay in a closed ball of radius $R$ centred at the origin?
Let $dist(p)$ be a function denoting the euclidean distance between a point in n-space and the origin point of that space, so $dist(p)=\sqrt{p_1²+p_2²+p_3²\ldots p_n²}$.
How might I efficiently iterate over $\{p \in \mathrm{Z}^3\ | \ dist(p) \le R\}$?
I'm aware that this is trivial to do in $\mathbb{O}(R^3)$ time by iterating over all lattice points that lay inside the minimum bounding box of the ball and filtering out every point $p$ where $dist(p) > R$, and I'm also aware that this can be optimised by squaring both sides of the distance function, but this algorithm is still too slow for my needs.