
a) We know that solving consensus in asynchronous distributed systems is impossible.

b) Let the consensus number of a concurrent object be cn = 2, which means that two processes can solve consensus using the concurrent object.

From (a) and (b), can we conclude that the concurrent object cannot be implemented in asynchronous distributed systems?


1 Answer 1


Yes, if you add a few qualifiers to your statements. Consensus is unsolvable in an asynchronous shared-memory or message-passing system of n>1 processes out of which at least one can fail. If you rule out failures, then consensus is solvable even if the system is asynchronous (e.g. just wait to hear all n proposals and then decide the smallest one).

If O is an object of consensus power 2, then it is impossible to implement O in an asynchronous shared-memory or message-passing system with failures. Otherwise, you could implement consensus for 2 processes, which would contradict the impossibility.


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