Hello I am struggling with proving a lemma, it goes as follows:
Suppose we have a vector r = (r1....rn)^T where rj is either 0 or 1 which is selected uniformly at random with probability 1/2. Suppose now we have a n x n matrix called M (which has at least one non zero element).
I need to prove that the Pr[Mr = 0] <= 1/2(basically prove that the probability of one random position of the matrix M is zero is less than or equal 1/2).
Hint: We can assume that M11 ≠ 0. Based on the hypothesis, argue that the probability of the inner product of the first line of the matrix with the vector r being zero, is at most 1/2.
Also with the help of the above lemma give a randomized algorithm that can check if 3 matrices n x n A,B,C satisfy the relation AB = C in O(n^2).