I'm working on understanding graphs and graph algorithms.
The problem is from: https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/cs374/fa2020/labs/sol/lab_12_b_sol.pdf (Q 1.D)
Describe an efficient algorithm to update the minimum spanning tree $T$ of a weighted undirected graph G when the weight of one edge $e \notin T$ is decreased.
I understand the solution and it makes sense to me intuitively that we add in that edge e to T, so $T'=T+e$ then that would make a cycle which we would just go through all the edges in the cycle and remove the one with the highest weight. This is clearly right because it's the only weight that was changed so the other choices we made about other vertices not in the cycle remain unchanged, adding e and removing the other max weight edge would then give a MST intuitively.
What I don't understand is how would I prove this algorithm still results in an MST rigorously?
I feel like since it seems obvious to me, I'm not seeing the rigorous way of explaining it. I only have the hand-wavy 'it's right because it's obviously right' explanation above which I realize is not an actual proof at all.