So below is the usual bellman ford recurrence
But why do we need to make a call to OPT(v, i-1) given that the shortest path to the vertex v must include the neighbouring vertex u in its shortest path from s to v where (u, v) is an edge in the set of Edges of the graph. This applies to all vertices except for the source vertex, so I guess that the call OPT(v, i-1) is only made to handle the case of calling OPT(s, i) so i must keep decrementing to reach i = 0, so that we could return 0.
But couldn't we just modify the recurrence to exclude the need to make a call to OPT(v, i-1) by modifying our base case as following:
NOTE: I assume the graph has no negative weight cycles reachable from the source vertex just to make my claim easier to reason with