I have some difficulties in understanding the intuition behind Naive Bayes Classification.
In general, I do understand every argument of the definition, however I don't understand why it's correct and why any other argument is incorrect.
Start from the beginning:
Goal: $v_{MAP} = argmax_{v_i} p(v_i|a_1...a_n)$
the goal is simply to find the maximum aposteriori of the value of the target function given the set of features Note, here we don't mention the hypothesis, because we are not interested in hypothesis.
After developing the formula with Bayes formula, we get
$argmax_{v_i} p(v_i)p(a_1...a_n|v_i)$
Now, the trick goes $p(a_1...a_n|v_i)=\prod_{j} p(a_j|v_i)$
The question is why in the very begging, having the formula of
$v_{MAP} = argmax_{v_i} p(v_i|a_1...a_n)$
I cannot apply the trick $p(v_i|a_1...a_n)=\prod_{j} p(v_i|a_j)$
It's just a reverse direction, in addition we don't have to calculate the prior probability of $p(v_i)$, so for me it looks like the better way to go.
What's wrong with my reasoning.