tl;dr: NO. Well, okay, maybe.
Translating the pseudocode mechanically into a recurrence gives me
T(n) = \Theta(1) + F(n) + \max \begin{cases}
\max_{0\le s \le n/4} T(s) \\
\max_{n/4 < s < n} (T(s) + T(n-s))
where $F(n)$ is the time for the first "find" step. Every outcome that is not known in advance is folded into the $\max$; since we're bounding the worst-case running time, we always assume the worst possible outcome. The initial $\Theta(1)$ includes all the time for bookkeeping, comparisons, stack manipulation, and that union operation in the output. (Performing a set union in constant time is somewhat magical, but I'll let that slide.) I'm also assuming here that the variable $s$ always lies between $0$ and $v-1$, since otherwise the algorithm never terminates, although this assumption is never specified in the code.
Under the reasonable assumption that $T(n)$ is monotonically increasing, we have
\max_{0\le s \le n/4} T(s) = T(n/4)
Under the further assumption that $T(n)$ is "nice" and convex, we have
\max_{n/4 < s < n} (T(s) + T(n-s)) =
T(n-1) + T(1) & \text{if $T$ is convex}\\
T(n/4+1) + T(3n/4-1) & \text{if $T$ is concave}
Here, "convex" means that $(T(a) + T(b))/2 \ge T((a+b)/2)$ for all $a$ and $b$, or less formally, that the function "curves upward". If $T$ is "nice", this is equivalent to assuming $T(n) = \Omega(n)$. Symmetrically, $T$ is concave (curves downward) iff $T(n) = O(n)$.
("Nice" means a function whose second derivative is well-defined and doesn't oscillate between positive and negative forever; for example, the product of a polynomial and some logarithms is nice. Wacky functions like $n^{2 + \sin(2\pi n)}$ are not nice, but I'll bet you a dollar that your algorithm doesn't have that function as a time bound.)
So our recurrence is now
T(n) = \Theta(1) + F(n) + \max\begin{cases}
T(n/4) \\
T(n-1) + T(1) \\
T(n/4 + 1) + T(3n/4 - 1)
If $T$ is increasing, the first case is smaller than the other two, so we can ignore it. So we have two possibilities to consider.
First, suppose
T(n) = \Theta(1) + F(n) + T(n-1)
(I folded the extra $T(1)$ into the $\Theta(1)$ term.) This recurrence unrolls into a simple summation
T(n) = \Theta(n) + \sum_{i=1}^n F(i)
which implies that $T(n)$ is convex no matter what function $F(n)$ is. So this recurrence seems to work. (The apparently circular argument about convexity can be unwound into a boring and mechanical proof by induction, if you care.)
On the other hand, suppose
T(n) = \Theta(1) + F(n) + T(n/4 + 1) + T(3n/4 - 1).
Then even with the very strong assumption that $F(n) = O(1)$, a quick recursion tree argument implies that $T(n) = \Theta(n)$. The same recursion tree argument implies that if $F(n)$ is grows even slightly faster than a constant, then $T(n)$ is strictly convex, which means this is the wrong recurrence.
So this recurrence only works when $F(n) = O(1)$. In that case, we can simplify the recurrence further to
T(n) = \Theta(1) + T(n/4 + 1) + T(3n/4 - 1).
We still have those pesky off-by-ones in the recursive arguments, but whatever. We've already figured out that $T(n) = \Theta(n)$, so who cares about the recurrence any more?
s = v/4
? $\endgroup$find ...
step is possible in $O(1)$ -- which is unlikely. $\endgroup$