I am trying to solve this particular problem from Automata Theory by Ullman, Hopcroft, it is as shown below:
Let $A$ be a $DFA$ and $a$ be a particular input symbol of $A$, such that for all states $q$ of $A$ we have $\delta(q,a)=q$.
Show that either $\left\{a\right\}^*\subseteq L(A)$ or $\left\{a\right\}^*\cap L(A)=\emptyset$.
As far as my understanding of the first part of the problem, the language accepted by $A$ is $L(A)=\left\{a, aa, aaa, aaaa, aaaa...\right\}$.
Since, $\left\{a\right\}^*$ represents strings that belong to $L(A)$ including $\varepsilon$, therefore $\left\{a\right\}^*\subseteq L(A)$ is true.
How to show that $\left\{a\right\}^*\cap L(A)=\emptyset$? Doesn't $L(A)$ represent strings generated by $\left\{a\right\}^*$? How can the intersection be $\emptyset$?