I'm a beginner in the coq proof assistant, so sorry if my question is silly. I would like to prove properties of a mathematical object. For clarity I will describe an over-simplified version of my object. Intuitively, the object has three sets A, B, C. The list A is of the form $$A= \{(0,x_1) (0,x_2), ... ,(0,x_n)\}$$ i.e, all pairs consist of the number zero and an arbitrary number. Analogously, the set B is of the form $$B = \{(1,y_1)(1,y_2)...(1,y_m)\}$$. And the set $C$ is such that C = A U B. For concreteness the sets $A,B,C$ can be defined as lists, if for some reason it is not inconvenient in Coq
So the simplified object would be of the following form:
A : Set of elements of the form (0,x) where x is some number
B : Set of elements of the form (1,y) where x is some number
C : Set such that C = A U B
The Condition that the structure must satisfy is:
If (0,a) belongs to A then (1,a) belongs to B.
1) How do I define a type consisting of pairs in which the first element is 0 and the second an arbitrary natural number? (Obs: This was answered by @KonstantinWeitz but his answer received a minus. Why wouldn't Konstantin's answer be satisfactory in Coq?)
2)How do I define the object above in coq? I tried to do it with records. But the problem is that I have no idea of how to define a type of question 1.
3) How to I impose the condition that this object is valid only if for each (0,x_n) in A there is a (1,y_n) in B with y_n=x_n? And the condition that $C = A \cup B$?