
Suppose that we're given $n$ integers $c_1, c_2, \dots, c_n$. We want to know if there is any assignment of $+$ and $-$ signs such that

$$ \pm c_1 \pm c_2 \dots \pm c_n = 0. $$

Does anyone know of a polynomial-time way to do this? Since there are $n$ integers, there are $2^n$ assignments of signs to consider, which grows rather quickly.

I've tried to phrase this problem in such a way that I can make use of dynamic programming, but DP usually lends itself to optimization sorts of problems, and this problem does not fall into that category (at least as stated).

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ There are pseudo-polynomial time algorithm (using DP) on the wiki page, time complexity $O(nS)$, where $S=\sum{c_i}$. Check your constraint to see if it meets your requirement. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 19, 2015 at 17:07

1 Answer 1


Hint: This is just the well-known NP-complete problem PARTITION.


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