We know that $L=\{0^i 1^{j^2}|i> 0,j\ge 0\} $ is irregular (by the Pumping Lemma), we have to use it to prove two things:
- $L_1=1^*\cup \{0^i 1^{j^2}|i\ge 0,j\ge 0\} $ is irregular.
- $L_1$ is making all the three conditions (I don't know the exactly word at English for this...) of the Pumping Lemma.
For the first one - how do I prove it by the Pumping Lemma?
For the second - I have no idea and I'd like to get ant help!
(Because I can choose any word that I want, and I need to prove it for all the words in $L$).
Thank you!