While this seems like homework, since it was asked 8 years ago it is probably past the point that the question asker can benefit from this for that course.
Build a graph $G_2 = (U, E_2)$ of where the vertices of $G_2$ are only the $u$-vertices from your original graph. And join an edge between any two tournaments $u_i, u_j$ if they are in conflict (i.e. if there exists some $v_k$ adjacent to each of $u_i$ and $u_j$ in your original graph).
This is normally called the conflict graph of a set of objects - in this case, your set of objects are tournaments, some of which are in conflict with others.
A minimum colouring of this $G_2$ graph will provide the minimum number of tournament days to complete all of them. Each colour corresponds to a day, so two tournaments with the same colour in an optimal colouring would be an example of two tournaments that play on the same day.
Extra Aside: This can be used to show your problem is NP-hard. Consider any graph colouring instance - then you can make all the vertices of this instance a set of $U$-nodes, and for every edge in the graph colouring instance, create a $v$-node adjacent to these two edge endpoints. This constructs a rather simple (but somewhat larger) instance of your tournament problem. The problem size would still be O(n+m) and so this is a polytime construction.