I have been following the book Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation by John E. Hopcroft and Jeffery D. Ullman.
I came across the following topic titled Bad Case for Subset Construction (2.3.6). I cannot follow the example given over there, about NFA N that can accept strings with 1 at the $n^{th}$ position, and that the DFA formed from that NFA thereafter will have no equivalent with fewer than $2^n$ states.
They argue that The DFA $D$ must be able to remember last n symbols it has read. Since any of the $2^n$ subsets of the last n symbols could be 1, if D had fewer than $2^n$ states, then there would be some state $q$ such that $D$ can be in state $q$ after reading two different sequences of n bits, say $a_{1}a_{2}...a_{n}$, and $b_{1}b_2...b_n$.
Here is an extract from the book itself:
I have been trying to comprehend the proof, including this line and the subsequent paragraph that follows, but I have not been able to.
Can someone please explain the approach ?