I'm looking for a data structure that stores a set of strings over a character set $\Sigma$, capable of performing the following operations. We denote $\mathcal{D}(S)$ as the data structure storing the set of strings $S$.
on $\mathcal{D}(S)$: given some set $T$ of (possibly empty) strings, whose size is bounded by a constant and whose string lengths are bounded by a constant, return $\mathcal{D}( \{ t s\ |\ t \in T, s \in S\} )$. Both these bounding constants are global: they are the same for all inputs $T$.Get-Prefixes
on $\mathcal{D}(S)$: return $\{ a \ | \ as \in S, a \in \Sigma \}$. Note that I don't really mind what structure is used for this set, as long as I can enumerate its contents in $O(|\Sigma|)$ time.Remove-Prefixes
on $\mathcal{D}(S)$: return $\mathcal{D}( \{ s \ | \ as \in S, a \in \Sigma \} )$.Merge
: given $\mathcal{D}(S)$ and $\mathcal{D}(T)$, return $\mathcal{D}(S \cup T)$.
Now, I'd really like to do all these operations in $O(1)$ time, but I'm fine with a structure that does all these operations in $o(n)$ time, where $n$ is the length of the longest string in the structure. In the case of the merge, I'd like a $o(n_1+n_2)$ running time, where $n_1$ is $n$ for the first and $n_2$ the $n$ for the second structure.
An additional requirement is that the structure is immutable, or at least that the above operations return 'new' structures such that pointers to the old ones still function as before.
A note about amortization: that is fine, but you have to watch out for persistence. As I re-use old structures all the time, I'll be in trouble if I hit a worst case with some particular set of operations on the same structure (so ignoring the new structures it creates).
I'd like to use such a structure in a parsing algorithm I'm working on; the above structure would hold the lookahead I need for the algorithm.
I've already considered using a trie, but the main problem is that I don't know how to merge tries efficiently. If the set of strings for Add-Prefix-Set
consists of only single-character strings, then you could store these sets in a stack, which would give you $O(1)$ running times for the first three operations. However, this approach doesn't work for merging either.
Finally, note that I'm not interested in factors $|\Sigma|$: this is constant for all I care.
or do you start with an arbitrary set of strings? $\endgroup$Add-Prefix-Set
it in) $\endgroup$