Let $A$ be a collection of strings over the alphabet $\{0,\ldots,m-1\}$ that in total contain $n$ symbols.
Your task is to sort each of the strings internally, and then sort the resulting strings in lexicographic order. (Your algorithm doesn't have to operate this way.)
Input: 33123 15 1 0 54215 21 12
Output: 0 1 12 12 12333 12455 15
I found a way to do it in $O(m+n)$ time and $O(mn)$ space.
The space is larger than the time because I use a smart array that allows you to create an array with size $n$ and sort of giving initial values to all of the cells in $O(1)$.
I used bucket sort in order to sort each string ($O(m+n)$ time and space) and word trees in order to sort the collection $A$ itself ($O(m+n)$ time and $O(mn)$ space). but my solution is too complicated.
Does anyone have a better solution, with $O(m+n)$ time and less space, or faster than $O(m+n)$?
The solution must be deterministic so no hash maps or other statistical algorithms
My solution: A smart array is an array of size $m$ which we can create and "initialize" in $O(1)$:
We create three arrays the size of $m$ without initializing any of them and we also keep a single integer variable called $C$.
The first array contains the data. The second array contains pointers to a cell in the third array. The third array contains pointers to a cell in the second array. $C$ contains the number of cells initialed so far.
Suppose we would like to set the value of cell $i$ (suppose it is the first time we are doing it on this cell). Then we will go to cell $i$ in the first array and set it to the wanted val.
Now we go to cell $i$ in the second array and set it to point at cell $C$ at the third array. Set the cell $C$ in the third array to point at cell $i$ in the second array. Increase $C$ by 1.
Suppose we would like to know if cell $j$ is trash (That means we have yet to set anything to it).
We would go to cell $j$ in the second array and look at the cell number (in the third array) that cell $j$ (in the second array) points to – we will call it $k$.
If $k>C$ then $j$ is trash (because we have only initialized $C$ cells so far and $j$ isn't one of them).
If $k<C$ we will look at what cell $k$ (in the third array) points to. If it is not $j$ then $j$ is trash. Otherwise $j$ isn't trash
That way we can know at each step if we initialized this cell and if not initialize it. So we have created and "initialized" an array of size $m$ in $O(1)$ time.
The main trick is not to initialize the entire array at the start but to find a way to know which cells we've initialized so far and initialize a cell only when we "look" at it. In the RAM model it takes $O(1)$ time to create an array of any size without initializing it.
A word tree of order m is a generalization of a TRIE. Each node contains an array of pointers to its sons. The array size is $m$. Each node also contains a counter to say how many sets there are that are described by this node.
Because we are using smart arrays each time we add a word $A$ (a set) it only takes $O(|A|)$ time and $O(m|A|)$ space.
Time cannot be smaller than space
true.You are cheating in some way
does not follow from "$O(m+n)$ time and $O(mn)$ space": with $1 \le mn$, $xm + yn + z \in O(mn)$ - the bound on space looks needlessly lax. $\endgroup$