Say I have the following intsruction represented in a number of languages:
| Language | Instruction |
| English | add six to five |
| Python | 6+5 |
| Assembly | ADD(6,5) |
| MachineX,BinaryEncoding1 | 01111100000001111111100010101010101010101010101010101011 |
| MachineX,BinaryEncoding2 | 01111100000001111111100111111111111010101010101011 |
| MachineY,TernaryEncoding2 | 021021212121200202120202 |
| MachineZ,100004aryEncoding | p |
How might I compare the amount of computational work done by each machine? Perhaps clock operations? What framework might I use to better articulate what I mean by "computational work"?
What if the number of possible inputs implied by the original instruction was variable as well, say:
Send message "hello dad" from virtual commodore 64 to virtual commodore VIC20 via virtual SMS