I'm currently working on a paper describing a new algorithm in computational science. If all goes well, this algorithm will be around for a while (within the specific community). As such, I want to set notation conventions that will not drive other people insane. The primary difference is that this algorithm makes use (logically) of tree data structures while the traditional algorithms in the field have used linear arrays.
The old algorithms therefore could denote specific data as $data_i$ (that is, using LaTex subscripts. Similarly, one could refer to $data_{i-1}$, and it would be clear that that is the "parent" data to $data_i$. Unfortunately, trees do not support this sort of indexing.
Are there any notation conventions for trees that allow clear, concise descriptions of that sort? I want to be able to give talk about an arbitrary bit of data (i.e. $data_i$) and readily discuss parent and child data. The community is mathematician heavy and as such mathematical notation of the sub/superscript y operator sort is favored over the class.property CS style. Note also that these are arbitrary trees; they need not be binary or any other such structure.
Does anyone know of a notation convention that would fit the bill? Alternatively, is there a better place to ask this? Thanks for the help.