This paper states that the general number field sieve is of order:
However several sources (e.g. Wolfram) give it as:
$$O\left( \exp\left((64/9)^{1/3}\,(\log n)^{1/3}\,(\log\log n)^{2/3}\right) \right)$$
To my knowledge L-notation and big O notation are exactly the same, so is this paper incorrect, or am I missing something?
It also gives the binary length of the number being factored, $n$, as being converted from its decimal length via:
I'm aware that if you can multiply by a constant factor then how the complexity is expressed doesn't matter (e.g. you can pick any log base so long as you're consistent), but since the correct way of doing this would be:
$$n = \lfloor k\, \log_2(10)\rfloor + 1$$
Is their stated conversion to $n$ acceptable?