I wanted to ask a simple question.
Lets say we have A, language of all the words with more then 3 letters. so it belongs to R.
and its complement , is the language of all words with less then 3 letters.
is it possible to say that I can define a turing reduction between them?
i thought about something like this: $$ f(x) = \begin{cases} 01 & \text{if }x \in A, \\ 1234 & \text{ } else.\end{cases} $$
my friend is saying this solution is not good since, the definition is: $\qquad\displaystyle x \in L_2 \iff f(x) \in L_1$
and what i got is
$\qquad\displaystyle x \notin L_2 \iff f(x) \in L_1$
If in this case it wont work can you explain me why? Thank you!