In the paper "An introduction to algebraic effects and handlers" (Pretnar, Matija. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 319 (2015): 19-35), handlers get a handler type that looks like a function type:
$\underline{C} \Rightarrow \underline{D}$.
These can be "applied" with the with h handle c
What I've noticed is that the only way to get a handler type is with the handler syntax, which means there's no way to get composition of handler types: given $\underline{A} \Rightarrow \underline{B}$ and $\underline{B} \Rightarrow \underline{C}$ there is no way to get $\underline{A} \Rightarrow \underline{C}$.
I believe this is because there is no abstraction for computations like there is an abstraction for values ($\lambda x . c$). Is this left out because of simplicity of is there a problem with such abstractions which means you can never have composition of handler types in a consistent system?