Assume the $\mathcal{F} = \{\, f_{s} \,\}_{s \in \{\, 0,1 \,\}^{*}}$ be a family of computable functions, where $f_{s} \colon \{\, 0,1 \,\}^{|s|} \rightarrow \{\, 0,1 \,\}^{|s|}$.
Let $F_{n}$ be a distribution of functions $f_s$ where $s$ is uniformly distributed over $\{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n}$, and let $RF_n$ denote the uniform distribution over the set of all functions from $\{\, 0,1 \,\}^n$ to $\{\, 0,1 \,\}^n$.
So, $F_{n} = f_{\{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n}}(x)$ for a fixed $x \in \{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n}$, right?
Then we say $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of PRFs if for every PPT $A$, $$\left\vert \Pr \left[ A^{F_{n}}\left( 1^{n} \right) = 1 \right] - \Pr \left[ A^{RF_{n}}\left( 1^{n} \right) = 1 \right] \right\vert < \varepsilon \left( n \right)$$
This definition is seems correct, but it implies that $A$ can ask the query of $f_{s}$ for at most $poly(n)$ times, $s$ may be different, but $x$ is always the same. It looks strange.
How about let $F^{\prime}_{n}$ be distribution of functions $f_s$ whose input $x$ is uniformly distributed over $\{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n}$ with any fixed $s$, and let $RF^{\prime}_n$ denote the uniform distribution over the set $\{\, 0,1 \,\}^n$.
So $F^{\prime}_{n} = f_{s}\left( \{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n} \right)$ for a fixed $s \in \{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n}$, right?
Then we say $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of PRFs if for every PPT $A$, $$\left\vert \Pr \left[ A^{F^{\prime}_{n}}\left( 1^{n} \right) = 1 \right] - \Pr \left[ A^{RF^{\prime}_{n}}\left( 1^{n} \right) = 1 \right] \right\vert < \varepsilon \left( n \right)$$
This definition implies that $A$ can ask the query of $f_{s}$ for a fixed key $s$ at most $poly(n)$ times.
Is the first definition is correct? Why not choose the another one?
Or even they are both wrong, $F_{n} = f_{\{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n}}\left( \{\, 0,1 \,\}^{n} \right)$?? It makes me confused.