I am trying to understand a Haskell class declaration and instance from a paper. I am trying to understand the class declaration:
class (Surfaces v o, Paths a b (v o)) => Vehicles v o a b
My current understanding is that the first occurance of types "v o" in the Vehicles
context seems to refer to two distinct data types. I assume that it is the same for the "v o" on the right of =>
Question 1
Is my understanding correct? Does the bracketed "(v o)" in the Vehicles
context refer a type constructor and its argument, rather than two independent types?
Question 2:
Is the instance OK? Why do I need FlexibleInstances
instance Vehicles Boat Person Route (Water Source)
I apologize for the level of detail, but I believe that the context is important to my question. Regards, Pat
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
data Person = Person deriving Show
data House a = House a deriving Show
data Boat a = Boat a deriving Show
data Route a b = Route a b deriving Show
data Source = Source deriving Show
data Destination = Destination deriving Show
data Water a = Water a deriving Show
data Land = Land deriving Show
-- The three top level classes are constructor classes, indicated by the signatures of the methods (not the class header).
-- The kinds in the class headers have kinds * and *->*
-- "Containers a b" stands for all container types "a" holding things of type "b".
class Containers a b where
insert :: b -> a b -> a b
remove :: b -> a b -> a b
whatsIn :: a b -> [b]
-- Type "a" is the type of surface
-- Type "b" is the type object on the surface e.g. boat is on water.
class Surfaces a b where
put :: b -> a b -> a b
takeOff :: b -> a b -> a b
whatsOn :: a b -> [b]
-- The path class represents motion
-- Type "c" represents the moving object e.g Boat.
-- Type "a" route
-- Type "b" origin and destination place
class Paths a b c where
move :: c -> a b c -> a b c
origin, destination :: a b c -> b
whereIs :: a b c -> c -> b
class People p
class HeavyLoads l
class Surfaces w o => WaterBodies w o
class Containers h o => Houses h o
-- The types "v o" in the Vehicles the context seems to refer to two distinct data types.
-- I assume that it is the same for the "v o" on the right of =>
-- But "(v o)" in the Vehicles the context seems to refer a type constructor and its argument??.
-- Vehicles are derived from surfaces (affording to ride on the vehicle) and paths (affording motion).
-- Vehicles type class has parameters for
-- the type "o" of the transported object
-- the type "a" of the path,
-- the type "b" of the origin and destination places.
-- "o" has kind *, "a" has kind *->*->*, "v" has kind *->*
class (Surfaces v o, Paths a b (v o)) => Vehicles v o a b
instance Surfaces Boat Person
instance WaterBodies Boat Person -- Boats carrying people on water
instance Paths Route (Water Source) (Boat Person) -- boat moving on water carrying people
instance Vehicles Boat Person Route (Water Source) -- Boat as a vehicle