I'm reading Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms 3rd edition, and in examples of Master Method recursion solving Cormen gives two examples
- $3T( \frac{n}{4} ) + n\log(n)$
- $2T( \frac{n}{2} ) + n\log(n)$
For the first example we have $a=3$ and $b=4$ so $n^{\log_4 (3)}=n^{0.793}$ and Cormen says that if we choose $\epsilon = 0.207$ then $f(n) = n\log(n) = \Omega(n^{\log_4(3) + \epsilon})$
How? As I understand it if $\epsilon = 0.207$ then $\Omega(n^{\log_4(3) + \epsilon})= \Omega(n)$ so we have $n\log(n) = \Omega(n)$ but it's not true; But he proves that $n\log(n) = \Omega( n^{\log_4(3) + \epsilon} )$
And then he proves that for the second case $n\log(n)$ does not apply to masters method 3-rd case the same way as I prove above.
So could somebody explain me in detail how the third case of the master's theorem applies to $3T( \frac{n}{4} ) + n \log(n)$ but not to $2T( \frac{n}{2} ) + n\log(n)$.