I have a simple problem of making a DFA which accepts all inputs starting with double letters (aa, bb) or ending with double letters (aa, bb), given $\Sigma =\{a, b\}$ is the alphabet set of the given language.
I tried to solve it in a roundabout way by:
- Generating a regular expression
- Making its corresponding NFA
- Using powerset construction to deduce a DFA
- Minimizing the number of states in DFA
Step 1: Regular expression for given problem is (among countless others):
Step 2: NFA for given expression is:
(source: livefilestore.com)
In Tabular form, NFA is:
State Input:a Input:b
->1 2,5 3,5
2 4 -
3 - 4
(4) 4 4
5 5,7 5,6
6 - 8
7 8 -
(8) - -
Step 3: Convert into a DFA using powerset construction:
Symbol, State + Symbol, State (Input:a) + Symbol, State (Input:b)
->A, {1} | B, {2,5} | C, {3,5}
B, {2,5} | D, {4,5,7} | E, {5,6}
C, {3,5} | F, {5,7} | G, {4,5,6}
(D), {4,5,7} | H, {4,5,7,8} | G, {4,5,6}
E, {5,6} | F, {5,7} | I, {5,6,8}
F, {5,7} | J, {5,7,8} | E, {5,6}
(G), {4,5,6} | D, {4,5,7} | K, {4,5,6,8}
(H), {4,5,7,8} | H, {4,5,7,8} | G, {4,5,6}
(I), {5,6,8} | F, {5,7} | I, {5,6,8}
(J), {5,7,8} | J, {5,7,8} | E, {5,6}
(K), {4,5,6,8} + D, {4,5,7} + K, {4,5,6,8}
Step 4: Minimize the DFA:
I have changed K->G, J->F, I->E first. In the next iteration, H->D and E->F. Thus, the final table is:
State + Input:a + Input:b
->A | B | C
B | D | E
C | E | D
(D) | D | D
(E) | E | E
And diagramatically it looks like:
(source: livefilestore.com)
...which is not the required DFA! I have triple checked my result. So, where did I go wrong?
- -> = initial state
- () = final state