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Completeness of red-black tree operations

Red-black trees are defined to have the following invariants: The nodes are in sorted order (it is a binary search tree). The root is black, and leaves are black. Every red node has black children. ...
Mario Carneiro's user avatar
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Merge K BST of N elements in total into a single RBT in O(N log K) time

I have the following question to solve; Given $K$ BST consisting of $N$ total elements, show how you can create a Red Black Tree in $O(N\log K)$ time. I had the following idea but it falls on the ...
Alon .G.'s user avatar
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Red Black Tree: number of internal nodes vs leaf nodes

Given a generic Red Black Tree with n nodes is correct to say that the number of internal nodes is ⌊n/2⌋ and the number of leaf nodes is ⌊n/2⌋ + 1 ?
Bender's user avatar
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Depth-first search (DFS) time complexity for a Red-Black Tree

If we indicate n as the number of nodes of a Red-Black Tree, which is the time complexity of a DFS algorithm that analyzes only the internal nodes of the Tree? I think that the complexity is O(n), but ...
Bender's user avatar
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Least-balanced possible red-black tree of n distinct nodes

Let's say we have a red-black tree of $n$ total nodes where all keys are distinct. The subtree rooted at the root node's left child has $n_L$ nodes, and similarly the subtree rooted at the root node'...
Intrastellar Explorer's user avatar
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Finding 2 nodes which sum equals twice their common ancestor in RBT in $\Theta(n\lg n)$

I have a red black tree, $T$, and I need to write an algorithm to find 2 nodes $x$ and $y$ so that $key[x] + key[y] = 2 \cdot key[p(x, y)]$, where $p(x, y)$ is the lowest common ancestor of $x$ and $y$...
CforLinux 's user avatar
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If a key in a red-black tree has exactly one child (which isn't null) then it is always red

I have the following claim: Prove or disprove: If a key in a red-black tree has exactly one child (which isn't null) then it is always red. My attempt: Disproof. We will exhibit a counterexample: ...
Chopin's user avatar
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Cormen problem 13-1 part d

I am going through problem 13-1 in CLRS 3rd edition. I came up with the following algorithm as a solution: ...
carlos palma's user avatar
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Is the tree shown a valid red-black tree?

I have made a red-black tree and I think that it is not valid. Could someone please verify? ...
Swapnil Agarwal's user avatar
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RB trees from any balanced BST?

Given any perfectly balanced binary search tree, is it always possible to assign a coloring to the nodes so that it becomes a Red-Black tree? If so, how do you prove this, and if false, what would be ...
Anon's user avatar
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Augmenting a tree such that we preserve the insertion operation optimal runtime

Suppose we are given a red-black tree with $n$ vertices with distinct keys and we want to store, as addition information in each vertex $v$, the biggest key out of the keys that are smaller than $v$ (...
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Proof that a subtree of a red-black tree has no more than $\frac{3n}{4}$ nodes

I have a red-black tree with $n$ nodes, rooted at $x$. How can I prove or disprove that the number of nodes in any subtree of $x$ (including the root of the subtree) will never be greater than $\frac{...
rtheunissen's user avatar