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Questions tagged [comparison]

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Are comparison sort algos appropriate for SUBJECTIVE sorting?

I've been tasked with creating an online feature that ranks 50 fantasy characters from a variety of domains based on combat acumen and polls users one which one is the most powerful based on their ...
Chris Wilson's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How do I find the max and min value of an array in 3n/2−2 comparisons?

So I'm using this method to find the min and max value of an array simultaneously where I split the array into n/2 and n/2 parts. I then keep splitting each part until I have either a pair of numbers ...
David's user avatar
  • 51
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Median-of-medians in O(log n) memory

Is there a way to use median-of-medians to find a median in, simultaneously, ​ ​O(log n) ​ ​memory and O(n) comparisons? The user orlp on this site seems to claim that there is. Getting ​ ​O(log n) ...
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