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Prove that $L = \{ xy \in \{a , b \}\textbf{*} \mid |x|_a = 2|y|_b \}$ is not regular

Prove that $L = \{ xy \in \{a,b\}^* \mid |x|_a = 2|y|_b \}$ is not regular. I have already tried to prove it by using the pumping lemma and reduction to absurdity, but have been unsuccesful on both. ...
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Is Language $ L = \{ww^{R} \in \{a,b,c\}^{*} : |w|_{a} \not\equiv |w|_{b} $ and $ |w|_{b} \not\equiv |w|_{c} \} $ context free?

$ L = \{ww^{R} \in \{a,b,c\}^{*} : |w|_{a} \not\equiv |w|_{b} $ and $ |w|_{b} \not\equiv |w|_{c} \} $ I would use the Ogden pumping lemma. Assumption $n < m$ where $n$ is a number from lemma. My ...
PoliteMan's user avatar
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Proof that {w ∈ {a, b} ∗ | |w|a = |w|b} is not a regular language [duplicate]

I know that the language {w ∈ {a, b}∗| |w|a = |w|b} is not regular since somehow, you can't store all the information needed in a DFA. I've seen that normally it's done with reduction to absurdity or ...
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